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If you don’t have strong interpersonal skills; don’t understand the company culture; don’t know how to adapt your style to work best with different personality types; or aren’t able to predict and address any potential conflicts before they become problems, you might be subjecting yourself to eye rolls and blow offs (or worse) in the office.

It’s important to have a positive working relationship with all of your colleagues, even if you don’t have a strong personal relationship. Very few people work in silos and will need the help of others in order to do their job well. Being a team player or working collaboratively are points that are commonly included in annual reviews, and it just takes one poor relationship to undermine your hard work for the year. Even if you’re not interested in spending time with someone outside of work, take the time to appreciate what they bring to the table, and try to establish a cordial working relationship.

It is important to maintain an atmosphere of politeness, respect, and geniality in order to create an environment where people come in to work with a good attitude. It’s really hard to be productive when you resent the place you work or the people you work with.”

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