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Strength and Growth are resultant of continuous growth.

– Napoleon Hill.

You already know this, and congrats on becoming a manager. Hard work does payoff, doesn’t it?

This first-time manager new role that you are dawning comes with its own challenges, this transitional phase could be overpowering for anyone who is not prepared and equipped to handle the challenges. Becoming a first-time manager is one of the most challenging and overwhelming career transitions an individual can face.

Research shows that not more than 10% of the of the new managers go through adequate training before dawning the role of a manager. One needs to clearly understand the roles and responsibilities of the shoes one is stepping into. The most fundamental transition one needs to accommodate and understand is that now he bears a managerial role and not just an executive role. You are now accountable for the actions and productivity of others and often adding to this are the chances that those who are reporting to you now were your colleagues before this. Thus it is vital for you to adopt and acquire the mindset and the skillset required to become a manager and it is important that you do this, there by exhibiting your ability adapt, learn and reemphasize the validity of your manager’s choice.

Distinction Between an Employee and a Manger

As a manger you need to understand the distinction between an employee and a manger. Firstly, you need to understand the business in which you are operating and what is expected of you. Develop a comprehensive understanding of your deliverables which includes the contribution of yourself and your sub ordinates to the overall profitability of your firm. Track, analyze and better your time management skills. Efficient time management most importantly includes time for oneself and rest. The next challenge you face is building an efficient and appropriate communication skills. Learn how to address your sub ordinates in assertive manner and clearing knowing the fine line between assertiveness and being bossy. Communicate effectively so as to motivate and lead your sub ordinates with an unwavering charisma. As your designation suggests, you need to manage, which means you need to delegate most efficiently. It is important to be understanding, supportive and above all a self-aware manager of integrity. Accept your short comings and never cease to develop and improve yourself. You have just started to climb the ladder and there is a long way ahead of you.

There are certain things you might want to avoid as new manager. Never fail to appreciate an employee’s efforts. Keep in mind the efficient allocation of resources either time, money or human resources. Above all manage and set SMART goals.

It is okay to make mistakes; learning on the job is a sign of adaptive strength. Don’t give up or succumb to pressure.
Learn and grow and lead.

And, once again, congrats on becoming a manager.


Team Bodhih.

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