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Growth Mindset

“Mindset is a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how one interprets and responds to situations. It is a complex mental state involving beliefs, feelings and value dispositions that makes people act in certain ways. A Mindset is formed over the...

The Delicate Art of Feedback

How many of you would like your manager to tell you what you want you want to hear rather than what you need to hear? Not one person raised their hand. Everyone wants to know the truth, no matter how difficult it is to hear.  But even though we want to hear honest and...

Why is Feedback Essential?

The word feedback is often received with trepidation and a healthy amount of distrust. This is because most people don’t understand or appreciate the need for feedback. Let’s start at the beginning. What is feedback? The term feedback is used to describe useful...

Getting Better At Influencing

Most employees are tired of a workplace culture that does not encourage their individuality. Some ways of increasing your influence at work include: Your goals – Let others know about what you strive to become, where you are headed and / or what path you desire...
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