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A positive attitude instils a feeling enthusiasm and optimism within people. They constantly think about what they want and how to get it. They feel happy and have a greater control on themselves. When one thinks about something that makes him happy, the brain releases endorphins which give a generalized feeling of well-being. Optimists look for the good in every problem or difficulty.  When things go wrong, they focus on immediate actions to fix it and then set about finding something positive about the situation. A positive attitude is a clear reflection of what a person does to become successful. It determine how well one works and also how others perceive him. Below mentioned are some changes brought about within people as a result of positive attitude:

1)  They control their beliefs and react to situations in a positive way: Beliefs and rules about life and work determine how one interprets events and therefore impacts his  attitude. Optimists to adopt strong beliefs that create a good attitude rather than beliefs that create a bad attitude.

2)  They Ignore whiners and complainers: Whiners and complainers look at finding faults and make people paranoid, unhappy, and frightened. They talk about what is irreparably wrong rather than making suggestions for improvement. People carrying a positive attitude will not get affected by them.

3)  They get identified for their love and interest in what they do: The signs of a good attitude are identified by employers or assessors easily. They look for leaders with a positive and can-do attitude to assign projects.

4)  They create a calm and happy atmosphere: It is challenging to create a good attitude in the workplace when the atmosphere in the workplace is negative. Optimists suggest ways to increase morale or try to change the tone in the office to a positive one, induce productivity and make employees feel better.

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