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A Guide to Global Corporate Etiquettes to transform your professional career

Companies today expect sound corporate etiquettes for the workplace. Learn the latest corporate etiquettes and practices in grooming, communication and conduct.

We understand intuitively that cultural etiquette and grooming, politeness, and good manners are universal to the planet and have been around for centuries. These cultural practices that have been handed down through generations across regions and language groups refer to the broad guidelines for what is considered appropriate and what is not. It provides cultures with uniqueness, grace, structure and keeps their identity with its sense of history alive. These social customs and traditions to a large extent are often based on common sense and suit the general utility of time. Fortunately, the styles and fads come and pass, the fundamentals of global etiquette remain essentially the same.

Business today are global in spirit. They work across boundaries and have workforces that represent dozens and dozens of countries. The idea is to have talent from diverse places that are joined through a company mission and a set of shared values. What this does is that it raises expectations from the employees to understand and demonstrate the precise mannerisms that will help them engage in successful global business and social interactions. Additionally, this helps them avoid embarrassing faux pas and offers guidance toward establishing quality relationships and friendships.

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At Bodhih, Global Corporate Etiquettes and grooming training is part of a larger behavior skills intervention suite that draws on understanding culture and its major dimensions, nuances of communication theory and its applied skills designed to help people to be seen as knowledgeable professionals and be acknowledged as culturally proficient colleagues.

Corporate Etiquettes and grooming simply stated, is the set of practices to equip ourselves of our behavior in unfamiliar cultural situations. But in more practical terms what does it mean? Is it about showing respect, showing care by being proactive, striking a balance to develop rapport, knowing geography and particular interesting information of the visitor’s country, and minding manners in how one addresses people & using greetings, or using jargon, acronyms, and slang with extreme care?

Global Corporate Etiquette and grooming are all of this and more. At Bodhih’s Global Corporate Etiquette and grooming training participants are introduced through far more depth of the topic including – cross-cultural understanding, professionalism, business etiquette, telephone etiquette, and overall mannerisms and behavior.

Global Corporate Etiquette tips meaning however is not about understanding the theory alone. It calls for an active and rigorous examination of how conceptual skills can be applied in the various work situations that develop. The powerful workshop helps the learner perceive him or herself as a global citizen within an industry-endorsed Global Corporate Etiquettes training model with specific techniques.

With the help of a presentation, case, and videos, the facilitator introduces Culture as a collective experience of a society and its impact on our reaction and decision making relative to every-day facts and circumstances.

The learners begin their corporate etiquette and grooming appreciation exercise by participating in an insightful role-play exercise where they reflect and share their attitude towards business people from different countries. The discussions next deep dives in how conducting business across the world often requires to make changes and bring flexibility in decision making, by studying carefully the impacts cultural nuances have on business practices. The overall purpose of corporate etiquette training is to enable participants to learn to express sensitively their opinions and feelings honestly, directly, and appropriately without infringing on the sensibilities of their cross country hosts or guests.

Top Global Corporate Etiquettes tips are learnt by applying correct basics in assisted classroom exercises.

Bodhih’s Corporate Etiquettes and grooming training focusses on multiple effective communication factors that deals with making a strong first impression, understanding the selection of conversational topics (and small talk), deciphering body language, and the corporate etiquettes that govern emails and telephone exchanges.

Bodhih’s seasoned trainers through group activity, presentations and class discussions, point out ways to leverage global practice understanding across social dining etiquettes, business and social conversations, gift giving and understanding the concept of individual Vs collective space.

How would you gain from India’s best corporate etiquette tips and grooming training workshops at Bodhih?

Bodhih customizes its Global Corporate Etiquettes tips and training course along the ADDIE model. Workshop experiences are analysed, designed, developed and delivered that are solution focused and include a range of blended training pedagogy such as role plays, group exercises, self-assessment tools, management games, individual activities, videos, case studies, facilitation, discussions and more.

In addition to the ADDIE model, the Global Corporate Etiquettes tips and training takes advantage of the experiential adult-learning process of concrete experience – reflective observation – abstract conceptualization – active experimentation.

The edge in Bodhih’s Global Corporate Etiquettes tips and grooming training program comes from researched industry learnings, current best practices and academic insights that ensures corporate etiquettes are grasped and applied at all levels within a company and its individuals. The long term benefits are to institutionalise corporate etiquettes by embedding the importance of the first impression, proper body language, criticality of voice modulation and speech, imbibing meeting etiquette and packaging your image brilliantly with strategic grooming.

What is Bodhih’s promise on corporate etiquettes and grooming tips and training courses?

Managers across industries and functions and executive level participants who have attended Bodhih’s sessions on Global Corporate Etiquettes tips and training talk of the following individual and team behaviours, namely, the ability to make a positive first (and lasting) impression, significant improvement in overall personality in a global contextual meeting, and an enhanced conduct in formal and informal occasions.

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