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Why is consistency of performance essential?

Consistency of performance is the key to success of any organization. Employees feel secure about their work responsibilities and workplace demands when there is consistency in performance. A workplace with consistency of performance will promote employee retention and satisfaction where the employees are aware of the direction in which the organization is moving, predict their position in the near past and plan their career accordingly.   Without a consistent work environment, one will continuously have second-guesses before making a move or taking any action.

Advantages of a consistent performance.

1)      Builds credibility of the organization: An organizations credibility is built on the policies it enforces and how these policies are received by the employees and how they contribute towards bringing consistent performance to bring about success to the organization. A consistent performance brings a good reputation and credibility to an organization.  Organizations proudly communicate to the world about their consistency in winning awards for a number of years or making the highest number of sales.

2)      Builds trust in employees: Consistent performance builds trust in employees where there is smooth coordination among each team and consistent accomplishment of goals. Employees have a sense of job security with dependable working conditions, clearly defined goals and predictable job demands which creates a reliable work environment.

3)      Drives on-going training: Inconsistent performance disturbs the flow of training in organizations. When there is no consistent performance between team members or colleagues, the organization will not be sure on planning the training to move forward. It is essential to have a planned training calendar for employees through consistent performance where employees are sure about their roles and can deliver optimum performance output. Through training, employees avoid making mistakes and work at low stress levels contributing their energy towards being more productive.

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